News/Op-Eds John Cochrane News/Op-Eds John Cochrane

Bradley Prize intro and speech

I won the Bradley Prize in 2023. Here is the video and text of my speech at the Bradley website. Bradley also does a very nice introduction video of my childhood and early career. Here is a link to the intro and speech together. Bradley allows us to write down our thanks, in order to save time at the ceremony. My letter of thanks here, and yes thank you all.

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News/Op-Eds John Cochrane News/Op-Eds John Cochrane

Understanding the left

“Understanding the Left.” What’s going on with the Great Awakening? Understand it as that, a quasi-religious political movement. Click title for more info.

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“Understanding the Left.” February 2020. In From the Past to the Future: Ideas and Actions for a Free Society, John Taylor, Ed. Hoover Press, Ch. 18. What’s going on with the Great Awakening? Understand it as that, a quasi-religious political movement. This was before the whole movement turned to race a few months later, but the analysis still holds, and may be better for not touching that issue. Talk given at the Mt. Pelerin Society Jan 1 2020.

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News/Op-Eds John Cochrane News/Op-Eds John Cochrane

Law and the Regulatory State

In Thomas W. Gilligan, Ed., American Exceptionalism in a New Era, Hoover Institution Press, p. 57-70. Exceptionalism interpreted as the rule of law guaranteeing economic freedom. In peril, as always.

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In Thomas W. Gilligan, Ed., American Exceptionalism in a New Era, Hoover Institution Press, p. 57-70. Exceptionalism interpreted as the rule of law guaranteeing economic freedom. In peril, as always.

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News/Op-Eds John Cochrane News/Op-Eds John Cochrane

Growing Risks to the Budget and the Economy

Testimony to House Budget Committee, Sept 14 2016. Economic growth is the big problem; bi-partisan policies to fix it rather than keep yelling the same talking points louder. On debt, the small probability of a debt crisis is the big problem, and how to avoid it. Oral remarks much shorter, sweeter (I get 5 minutes) but less documented.

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Testimony to House Budget Committee, Sept 14 2016. Economic growth is the big problem; bi-partisan policies to fix it rather than keep yelling the same talking points louder. On debt, the small probability of a debt crisis is the big problem, and how to avoid it. Oral remarks much shorter, sweeter (I get 5 minutes) but less documented.

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