John. H. Cochrane


Welcome to My Website

I'm a proud father and husband of a creative family. Check out the Family web page, with art, comics, animation, music, plus the famous Hippo pages. Warning: If you click this link you may not be back for an hour or two.

My wife, Elizabeth Fama is a young adult book author, is her web page and blog, her latest books are Monstrous Beauty and Plus One.

My daughter Sally's paintings and blog are worth a detour.

If you're a sailplane pilot looking for Soaring writing, go to the soaring link. If you're an economist but flying gliders sounds a lot more interesting than whatever else brought you here, go ahead and take a look.

Additional information about me

Short Bio.

The Short Bio has a few paragraphs describing me and my work. If you have to introduce me, please don't read it all.


The Vita includes a chronological list of all papers, with links and citation information. The disclosure statement lists all outside activities and potential perceived conflicts.


Research will take you to all my academic writing, including published books, papers, working papers and comments. It includes comments and talks given at academic conferences. It also has information about my textbook, Asset Pricing.


The News, Op-eds section includes op-eds, blog posts, links to media coverage, slides and videos of talks, and other items of interest to the average non-academic.


This will take you to class web pages. Students: these are the right web pages. Booth sometimes echoes old and out-of-date information to other sites. Visitors: you are welcome to use any of my materials that you find useful, so long as you cite their source. All: yes, the problem set answer links don't lead anywhere when I'm not teaching.

Data and Programs.

Data and Programs takes you to a webpage with data and programs for older papers. Starting 2011, I'm posting links to data and programs next to the paper on these pages, but I haven't yet cleaned up the old papers to that method.


The Contact information page has all the ways to contact me and the media contact information.