News/Op-Eds, Research John Cochrane News/Op-Eds, Research John Cochrane

Whither the Fed?

A talk given at the UCSD Economics roundtable June 11 2021. Inflation, Fed policy, fiscal pressures, and a quick tour of the Fed’s entrenchment of bailouts, and forays to climate change and social justice. Youtube video here, slides here, blog post with a bit more commentary here.

A talk given at the UCSD Economics roundtable June 11 2021. Inflation, Fed policy, fiscal pressures, and a quick tour of the Fed’s entrenchment of bailouts, and forays to climate change and social justice. Youtube video here, slides here, blog post with a bit more commentary here.

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News/Op-Eds Juliann Klein News/Op-Eds Juliann Klein

A Blueprint for Effective Financial Reform 

Equity-financed banking. How it works, and substitutes for the Dodd-Frank illusion that regulators can keep us safe. This is the paper behind the talk, next item. In George P. Shultz, ed., Blueprint for America Hoover Institution Press, p. 71 - 84.

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Equity-financed banking. How it works, and substitutes for the Dodd-Frank illusion that regulators can keep us safe. This is the paper behind the talk, next item. In George P. Shultz, ed., Blueprint for America Hoover Institution Press, p. 71 - 84.

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News/Op-Eds John Cochrane News/Op-Eds John Cochrane

A New Structure for U.S. Federal Debt

In David Wessel, Ed., The $13 Trillion Question: Managing the U.S. Government's Debt, pp. 91-146. Washington DC: Brookings Institution Press. Last manuscript. I propose a restructuring of U. S. Federal debt. All debt should be perpetual, paying coupons forever with no principal payment. The debt should be composed of 1) Fixed-value, floating-rate, electronically transferable debt. Such debt looks like a money-market fund, or reserves at the Fed, to an investor. 2) Nominal perpetuities: This debt pays a coupon of $1 per bond, forever. 3) Indexed perpetuities: This debt pays a coupon of $1 times the current consumer price index (CPI). 4) All debt should be free of income, estate, capital gains, and other taxes. 5) long term debt should have explicitly variable coupons. 6) Swaps. The Treasury should adjust maturity structure, interest rate and inflation exposure of the Federal budget by transacting in simple swaps among these securities.

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In David Wessel, Ed., The $13 Trillion Question: Managing the U.S. Government's Debt, pp. 91-146. Washington DC: Brookings Institution Press. Last manuscript. I propose a restructuring of U. S. Federal debt. All debt should be perpetual, paying coupons forever with no principal payment. The debt should be composed of 1) Fixed-value, floating-rate, electronically transferable debt. Such debt looks like a money-market fund, or reserves at the Fed, to an investor. 2) Nominal perpetuities: This debt pays a coupon of $1 per bond, forever. 3) Indexed perpetuities: This debt pays a coupon of $1 times the current consumer price index (CPI). 4) All debt should be free of income, estate, capital gains, and other taxes. 5) long term debt should have explicitly variable coupons. 6) Swaps. The Treasury should adjust maturity structure, interest rate and inflation exposure of the Federal budget by transacting in simple swaps among these securities.

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News/Op-Eds John Cochrane News/Op-Eds John Cochrane

Toward a run-free financial system

In Martin Neil Baily, John B. Taylor, eds., Across the Great Divide: New Perspectives on the Financial Crisis, Hoover Press. This is an essay about what I think we should do in place of current financial regulation. We had a run, so get rid of run-prone liabilities. Technology and financial innovation means we can overcome the standard objections to "narrow banking." Some fun ideas include a tax on debt rather than capital ratios, the Fed and Treasury should issue reserves to everyone and take over short-term debt markets just as they took over the banknote market in the 19th century, and downstream fallible vechicles can tranche up bank equity.

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In Martin Neil Baily, John B. Taylor, eds., Across the Great Divide: New Perspectives on the Financial Crisis, Hoover Press. This is an essay about what I think we should do in place of current financial regulation. We had a run, so get rid of run-prone liabilities. Technology and financial innovation means we can overcome the standard objections to "narrow banking." Some fun ideas include a tax on debt rather than capital ratios, the Fed and Treasury should issue reserves to everyone and take over short-term debt markets just as they took over the banknote market in the 19th century, and downstream fallible vechicles can tranche up bank equity.

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News/Op-Eds John Cochrane News/Op-Eds John Cochrane

Challenges for Cost-Benefit Analysis of Financial Regulation

Journal of Legal Studies 43 S63-S105 (November 2014). Is cost benefit analysis a good idea for financial regulation? I survey the nature of costs and benefits of financial regulation and conclude that the legal process of current health, safety and environmental regulation can't be simply extended to financial regulation. I opine about how a successful cost-benefit process might work. My costs and benefits expanded to a rather critical survey of current financial regulation. It's based on a presentation I gave at a conference on this topic at the University of Chicago law school Fall 2013, with many interesting papers. JSTOR link with HTML and nicer pdf. The JLS issue with all conference papers.

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Journal of Legal Studies 43 S63-S105 (November 2014). Is cost benefit analysis a good idea for financial regulation? I survey the nature of costs and benefits of financial regulation and conclude that the legal process of current health, safety and environmental regulation can't be simply extended to financial regulation. I opine about how a successful cost-benefit process might work. My costs and benefits expanded to a rather critical survey of current financial regulation. It's based on a presentation I gave at a conference on this topic at the University of Chicago law school Fall 2013, with many interesting papers. JSTOR link with HTML and nicer pdf. The JLS issue with all conference papers.

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News/Op-Eds John Cochrane News/Op-Eds John Cochrane

Running on Empty

Running on empty (pdf) (link to WSJ (html)) March 2 2013 Review of "The Banker's new Clothes" by Anat Admati and Martin Hellwig. Banks should issue a heck of a lot more equity, a heck of a lot less debt, and a heck of a lot less nonsense.

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Running on empty (pdf) (link to WSJ (html)) March 2 2013 Review of "The Banker's new Clothes" by Anat Admati and Martin Hellwig. Banks should issue a heck of a lot more equity, a heck of a lot less debt, and a heck of a lot less nonsense.

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News/Op-Eds John Cochrane News/Op-Eds John Cochrane

The Fed's Mission Impossible 

Wall Street Journal. (Local pdf) A review of the Fed's (the press release here, the proposal -- old link, broken -- vanished off the Fed's website) to regulate big banks -- and, soon, everyone else.

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Wall Street Journal. (Local pdf) A review of the Fed's (the press release here, the proposal -- old link, broken -- vanished off the Fed's website) to regulate big banks -- and, soon, everyone else.

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News/Op-Eds John Cochrane News/Op-Eds John Cochrane

The More Capital, The Safer the Bank

Wall Street Journal. Local pdf. This piece counters many arguments for low bank capital requirements. Capital is not reserves, the required return on equity is lower for better capitalized banks. (Modigliani and Miller work at least a bit.) And no, Dodd-Frank does not mean banks are forever more free of risk.
For more on bank capital requirements, see Anat Admati's Stanford website. Here's the source for quoting Dan Tarullo on more capital. The other side that I was making fun of: JP Morgan testimony and The Clearing House Open Letter. Here is the New York Times mixing up capital with reserves and stating as a fact -- not a quote, not a theory, not an opinion, just a undeniable fact -- that higher capital requirements mean less lending.

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Wall Street Journal. Local pdf. This piece counters many arguments for low bank capital requirements. Capital is not reserves, the required return on equity is lower for better capitalized banks. (Modigliani and Miller work at least a bit.) And no, Dodd-Frank does not mean banks are forever more free of risk.
For more on bank capital requirements, see Anat Admati's Stanford website. Here's the source for quoting Dan Tarullo on more capital. The other side that I was making fun of: JP Morgan testimony and The Clearing House Open Letter. Here is the New York Times mixing up capital with reserves and stating as a fact -- not a quote, not a theory, not an opinion, just a undeniable fact -- that higher capital requirements mean less lending.

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News/Op-Eds John Cochrane News/Op-Eds John Cochrane

A Skeptical Appraisal of Frictions in the Financial Crisis

Notes and Pictures. This is a 2 hour lecture for Ph.D. students at the Deutsche Bank Symposium hosted by the Booth School September 2010. It offers a skeptical view of the emerging consensus that the financial crisis is all about "bubbles" "liquidity spirals" "fire sales" "capital constraints" at commercial banks and so on. I do think there was a run on repo and short term financing. Good old fashioned macro asset pricing works a lot better than you might have thought. Some themes are picked up in Discount Rates.

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Notes and Pictures. This is a 2 hour lecture for Ph.D. students at the Deutsche Bank Symposium hosted by the Booth School September 2010. It offers a skeptical view of the emerging consensus that the financial crisis is all about "bubbles" "liquidity spirals" "fire sales" "capital constraints" at commercial banks and so on. I do think there was a run on repo and short term financing. Good old fashioned macro asset pricing works a lot better than you might have thought. Some themes are picked up in Discount Rates.

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News/Op-Eds John Cochrane News/Op-Eds John Cochrane

Lessons from the financial crisis

(was “Financial crisis and policy”) Regulation 32(4), 34-37. The financial crisis is mainly about too big to fail expectations. The only way out is to limit the government’s authority to bail out. Article based on a talk given at Cato, Nov 6, NY.

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 (was “Financial crisis and policy”) Regulation 32(4), 34-37. The financial crisis is mainly about too big to fail expectations. The only way out is to limit the government’s authority to bail out. Article based on a talk given at Cato, Nov 6, NY.

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